Here is where you can buy Boles d'olor 'Essencials' air purifiers and 'Brumas de Ambiente' essences. CleanTheAir.co.uk are official Boles d'olor stockists in the UK.
Boles d olor Brumas de Ambiente are carefully designed to harness the positive effects of nature. From the wide range of fragrances each aroma has its own distinctive properties to create the particular atmosphere you desire. When added to the water in the air purifiers the fragrance is released in the air filling your home with beautiful scent. CleanTheAir.co.uk are official Boles d'olor stockists in the UK.
Useful Information About Boles d'olor Brumas de Ambiente Fragrances to Buy Online
Made with wonderfully aromatic oils, Boles d'olor Brumas essences are very highly concentrated so you only need a few drops in your air revitalisers, plus there is wide range of aromas to choose from, to bring beautiful, rich fragrance to your home.
The Boles d'olor Brumas essences can be used in all brands of air purifiers including Goodsphere, Antibac2k, PureAire, Breathe, JML and N-Virosphere revitalisers.